Blue Birds ATC

Car & numbers ATC

More Art

Circus Inchie

This inchie was made for a swap and was a set of three circus related inchies.

Another inchie

Here's another inchie I made using collaged paper pieces which I cut very, very small! I didn't realise until after I finished these that people tend to make them in a large sheet first. They do their backgrounds, add in other elements and then they then cut them up into their 1" square pieces. This way was probably more difficult but at least there will never be another one like this one! Some of these initial attempts have got quite a few hits on my Flickr page.


What's an Inchie? Well it's a very small piece of art measuring 1' square. It can be made from virtually anything like metal, wood, paper, fabric and it can be collaged, rubberstamped, hand or machine sewn, drawn, or painted. This was one of my first attempts and I used a combination of very small collaged elements.